Decathalon – Event 7

Decathalon – Event 7

I was looking at corin forest considering that it would be nice to arrange a day at the snow sometime in the snow season. I am looking for those who would be up for the adventure, as we’ll need to book early:

Snowplay is 1.5 hrs for $25
Snowplay package with 1.5 hrs and snow gear and tobbogan $79
Tobbogan hire $6 (I think)
Sking/Lessons $100+ (full day)

If you are interested please book what would suit you and your family best

Note: Date is TBA, date will change depending on how long it takes to get numbers and what availabilities are left when we confirm

Decathalon – Event 2

Event 2
Bring your Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, skates and rollerblades down to wooden park for some outdoor active fun.
Please remember saftey gear, sunscrean, hats and water.
This activity is open too all age groups


Canberra Deep Space Station

Canberra Deep Space Complex
I am so excited, the Deep Space Complex is opening again to general visitors.
I am arranging an excursion for the kids whilst we are there (free)
Open to both primary and high school students.
Please book to attend so we know numbers, only kids need a booking


Music at Midday

Music at Midday is a great way to experience Music Appreciation. It is put on by the royal military college band. They play a variety of pieces, from marches, to musicals, jazz to pop. 
You have to get tickets from Canberra theatre, but they are free, on arrival they do request a gold coin donation for the charity they are supporting.
Tickets can sell quickly, so please book your own, but let me know if your going, we can meet after and share a picnic and/or visit the carousel.


Dungeons and Dragons

This is a great roll playing game for kids. They use math and creative thinking to solve problems and practice teamwork in a high social, high fun environment.
We have a great group at the moment, but anyone who is interested in joining get in touch an we can see about adding your kid(‘s) too the current group; or starting a second group.


Nature Group – Himalayan Cedar Forest, Arboretum

Hi nature group team! Surprise, I’ve added one more event for the year 🙂

I thought it would be nice and shady under the trees in the Himalayan cedar forest. Bring some morning tea and let’s let the kids have a lovely play before Christmas!

Sam x

Christmas Party!

You are warmly invited to the CHEC Christmas party!

Location is C3 Church in Monash – 184 Clive Steele Ave, Monash.

Please bring a plate of morning tea to share! Barista coffee will be provided. 

We will sing some Christmas carols together and then have morning tea and the kids can have a play. The church has a small gated playground and a big outdoor space with a lovely shaded cork forest. I will bring some outdoor games for the big kids (like soccer goals, cricket set). We could even have some water play if it looks like a hot day!

It would be wonderful if someone could volunteer to run a Christmas themed craft.

Check your inbox for more info closer to the date!


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