CHEC is running a home education conference on Mon 01 and Tue 02 of March 2020. It will be an opportunity to come together as a Home-education community, to set a focus for the year, and to be ministered to through fellowship, seminars, prayer, prophecy and an expo of events and resources in the Canberra region. The theme of the conference is ‘At the Heart of the Matter’: two days journeying through HE from new beginnings, muddling middle years, and what happens at the end – not only for your children but also what it looks like for mum when it’s all done.
More information
To register please fill in the forms below:
Registration form (fill in online using google forms):
CHEC CONFERENCE Registration Form
Permission form, please submit before the 21st Feb.
Payment Details
All Registrations are due before 21st February. Registration will only be accepted after payment is received. Your early registration would be appreciated.
Payments to Christian Home Education Canberra
BSB 325 185, Account No. 03765999
Use the following reference: Surname, Initial and Date of Birth……..Thank You 🙂
1437 Cotter Rd, Stromlo ACT 2611, Australia